I’m attempting to give you guys a chance to show me your best videos and I’ll promote them on my website. Check out www.tinkernut.com to find out all about it.
Here is my video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx_FeaEtuwg It’s a gaming video that I made when I used Windows Movie Maker. Hope it’s good. If you need to talk to me about anything please send a message to my account: KazumiSarahy.
We are in process of link building of our site to increase its relevancy and traffic.
Can you give me information on how I can place my link on your page?
Hey – really enjoying your tutorials, and learning a lot. My book and my channel discuss simple, easy and cheap tips for creating pro-quality video. Enjoy! And thx again for the support. http://www.youtube.com/user/JMilesTV
Get page info… does nothing… or at least nothing for a long time 🙂
Now where do I click to post a video tutorial.
Keep up the good work 🙂
Here is my video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx_FeaEtuwg It’s a gaming video that I made when I used Windows Movie Maker. Hope it’s good. If you need to talk to me about anything please send a message to my account: KazumiSarahy.
Yea, I need you to promote me 🙂 I’m new on youtube & I work hard for each & every video 🙂
i want facbook haking softwar
Dear Web Master,
We are in process of link building of our site to increase its relevancy and traffic.
Can you give me information on how I can place my link on your page?
Our link details are following:
Title: Pardon Services Canada
URL: http://www.pardonservicescanada.com/
I kinda liked the old website better.
My video tutorial is about installing linux (Ubuntu) for beginners… Please have a look at it
Since the “Submit your video” dosen’t work. Here is my vid
How to create a killer Facebook welcome page (2011)
Cool here is my video on how to secure online data (mainly photos):
New Website to come in the future as well.
Here is one of my coolest videos
Hi Tink here’s my video link thanks for your support 😉 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECySzz3YfMo
Hey – really enjoying your tutorials, and learning a lot. My book and my channel discuss simple, easy and cheap tips for creating pro-quality video. Enjoy! And thx again for the support. http://www.youtube.com/user/JMilesTV
this is my video on how to delete internet files
Can you guys PLEASE go to http://tinkernut.com/links/create instead of spamming your video links HERE?
That Link Does Not Work.
Here’s My Basic Python Programming Tutorial!’
where to promote my video..sir