In this episode, you will learn how to install Mac OSX Snow Leopard on a PC using Virtualbox. For this, you will need a retail copy of OSX. Otherwise, you can watch this video:
In this episode, you will learn how to install Mac OSX Snow Leopard on a PC using Virtualbox. For this, you will need a retail copy of OSX. Otherwise, you can watch this video:
I’ve had Snow Leopard running in a virtual machine for probably maybe a half a year now, and when I told my friend Derek about it. He actually removed Windows, and installed OS 10. Now to be quite honest here. You won’t get the best experience unless you actually buy a Mac. You’ll get a better experience dual booting then running in a virtual machine, cause you’re not sharing ram. However the choice is upto you.
I did this to see what features I could use, and actually give a Mac a try before I decided to buy. However after WWDC yesterday I think I may buy a Mac, and get Lion on it, cause these are very nice features, but I’m still a die hard Linux user at heart.
Is there any way to adjust the display size? I would like the display to fill my screen but right now I get 2 vertical black bars. I have tried modifying the com.apple.boot.plist (or something like that with graphics mode and my screens resolution but it either reverts to the original or refuses to boot afterwards.
Using virtual box on windows 7 with retail copy of snow leopard.
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is it possible this does not work on every PC? I tried doing this, but my VMWare keeps crashing after seeing the Mac loader screen (3:37 in your video)..
If you thoroughly listened to what he was using and saying you would understand hes using VirtualBox
can you install mac programs such as iLife on this hackintosh? ;D
Is it the same procegure for Mac OS X Lion?
Hey Can anybody help me with this problem. Im Facing it from quite a long time.I googled the problem but couldnt get any working solution for it.and nobody has made a video or tutorial for it.my problem is that my system doesn’t support Hardware Virtualization as i checked through the software provided by windows and i cross check via my BIOS. My BIOS didn’t contain any tab or option for Virtualization Technologies.Since Tinkernut(Daniel Davis) has made a video on it, thought that u could help me this matter. And i hope u come up with a solution for this.PLZ HELP NEEDED!
i search through forums of insanelymac tonymac86 osx86 and ihackintosh for solution of (RUNNING MAC OS X SNOW LEOPARD ON VMWARE/VIRTUALBOX WITHOUT HARDWARE VIRTUALIZATION) but no results found.although a user has made up a patch for this matter..it turns out that Patch didnt work for anybody and had issues with it.hence need help with this matter….
will you install hackintosh os on DIY pc?
I have followed the guide you put up about installing Snow on pc from a downloaded OS but I cant get it to work at all. It goes thru the installation but after that it wont boot and wants to do the install all over again. going crazy here and dont know what to do.
Didin’t work
I followed the steps for iATKOS, but when I boot, it runs the installer. After the install it says I must restart the system. I click restart and wait. Then, on start up, if I click a button, it restarts the installer, if I do not click a button, it crashes. Help?
i did it lol
i have a Mac OSX on a flash drive, but when i inserted it into the computer and selected “Host Drive E:” it booted to the shell!
i tried using the plop boot manager, but i got the same thing!